Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Tempest Persuasive Essay Example For Students

The Tempest Persuasive Essay The Tempest was written in the early Stuart period in England when masques were becoming exceedingly popular, and were often performed at weddings to honor marriages. The Tempest is heavily influenced by elements of the masque, and can be performed with the same purposes as one, although it is far too rich to be classified simply into that genre of plays. In masques the use of spectacle was extensive. The Tempest reflects this in many ways. The very first scene, Act I scene i, is that of a ship in action, and requires elaborate special effects to convey a sense of realism. The banquet scene in Act III scene iii requires a quaint device to make it vanish, and also makes extensive use of costume, dance and music, as the spirits enter in the form of shapeless creatures and Ariel is the form of a harpy. The masque within the play in Act IV requires elaborate costumes for the goddesses and, ideally, machinery for Juno to descend as deus ex machina with. It also involves great amounts of s ong and dance. The entire play makes extensive use of music, with Ariels songs and Prosperos charms as well as the sweet airs of the island itself. Being non-human, Caliban, Ariel and the spirits require elaborate costume to make them appear so, and the court party members are decked in their finest court apparel, having just been at Claribels wedding, so that Miranda is taken aback by the brave new world / That hath such creatures int on seeing them. The elements of pastoral comedy in The Tempest are also linked to those of the masque. A natural man, Caliban, exists. So do a pair of noble young lovers, Ferdinand and Miranda, who are brought together in the pastoral setting of an island, unaffected by the corruptive influences of civilisation, making Miranda an innocent and undeceitful young woman. She has had no time for vainer hours, as other princesses would have, leading to vanity, but has been educated by Prospero, showing she is innocent rather than ignorant. She is uncoquetti sh and direct in her advances to Ferdinand in Act III scene ii, and yet is filial, worrying about disobeying her father in what she feels is right. It is her virtue and innate nobility that make Ferdinand mistake her, on their first encounter, as most sure the goddess of this island. Ferdinand is also virtuous, having the chivalry to bear logs for Prospero as punishment simply because he has been defeated and having the ability to let the pure white virgin snow upon my heart / Abate the ardour of my liver. The chastity of the two lovers points toward the need for reason to rule passion for a harmonious relationship. This is reinforced again by the masque, in which the unruly Vesus and Cupid are omitted, and instead include Ceres, Juno and Iris, goddesses of the harvest, reflecting mans harmony with nature; marriage, reflecting the importance of marriage vows; and the rainbow, reflecting the harmony of nature. The presence of the goddesses themselves in the masque reflects the elemen t of divine intervention in the masque. In masques, it was common for characters from Grco-Roman mythology to be featured, blessing the couple. Divine intervention is also manifested in Ariel, who can only do good, as seen by the fact that he could not work for Sycorax. He is subordinated to Prospero, as well as all the other spirits, weaving in the concept of the supernatural. Ariel also alludes to mythology in his attirements as a seanymph and harpy. However, it would be wrong to classify The Tempest as a masque, as although it contains many elements of the masque, it features a structured plot with an exploration of controversial ideas and themes, such as that of nature versus nurture in Caliban and Antonio, and that of disruption of social hierarchy. Masques tended to rely more on spectacle and moral than on plot; the plot was often weak or non-existent. Through this, we can see that Shakespeare incorporated elements of the masque into that of his conventional plays, producing a play that can be well-regarded in both respects. The Tempest contains certain antimasque elements, such as the conspiracies for murder. Antonio and Sebastian prove that even with all the benefits of noble birth and civilised education, evil men can be produced. This is against traditional masque ideas of nobility. Antonios act of usurping Prospero, and their intention to murder Alonso and usurp his throne, give the play tragic elements as well, as they value their personal benefits over those of society. The mock court party also has antimasque qualities, as the rough humour of their folly in attempting to be rulers tickles us in a base way. However, their intent to murder Prospero also presents a dark side of the play, and Caliban is a base, dull, uncivilised brute rather than the innocent and noble natural nice man of Spenser. The fact that he can appreciate the music while many of the people from civilisation cannot points to the fact that he does have a degree of the purity whi ch is destroyed by civilisation, but otherwise, we are little inclined to admire him. The struggle of Prospero to assert his reason over his passion, planning for the future rather than succumbing to his temptations for revenge, are also against the idea of the masque. Prospero, as the central character, has little to do with the elements of the masque at all, as the main concern of the plot is his education of the people on the island and his own education as a result of this. Thus, it would be impossible to claim that The Tempest is a masque, but possible to claim it has much to owe the masque. It is a masque to the limited extent that it contains most of the elements of the masque, but this is transcended by the fact that it contains much more that is not, making it a better and more profound play. In The Tempest, it would seem that no two characters could be further apart than Prospero, the right duke of Milan, and Caliban, the salvage and deformed slave. They represent two diff erent extremes on the social spectrum: that of the natural ruler, and the naturally ruled. Their positions on the social hierarchy are largely due to the fact that Caliban responds almost wholly to passions, feelings of pleasure his senses, while Prospero is ruled more by his intellect and self-discipline his mind. However, the fight that Prospero has against his own natural tendency to ignore the discipline of his intellect, and give in to pleasures such as vanity and self-indulgence, cannot be ignored. Caliban was born of a witch; Prospero is a magician. However, the types of magic practised by Sycorax and Prospero differ greatly: Sycorax, in many respects a traditional witch, worked within Nature and as a part of it. She worked with devils and the lowest orders of spirits. Prospero, on the other hand, exercises his magic by means of strict discipline and study, rising above the natural order by means of his greater knowledge, and actually coercing spirits of a fairly high rank, such as Ariel, to do his bidding and control other spirits for him. In the Arts which both represent, Prospero certainly reflects the world of the mind. And Sycorax does not? However, in the use of his Art, Prospero reveals himself as not wholly disciplined. okay Prospero enjoys using the power of his Art, as he tells us in his monologue just before his forgiveness of the court party graves at my command opd By my so potent Art. He has also shown that he enjoys using it to show off, as he did during the masque he provided for Ferdinand and Miranda, which he indulged in even when Calibans plot and the court party both urgently required his attention. Although we are not given details of Calibans birth, it seems likely that a creature as subhuman in appearance as Caliban was not born of a human union. It has been postulated that, to quote Prospero, he was got by the devil himself upon thy wicked dam, from a union between Sycorax and an incubus (an extremely attractive male apparit ion with intention to tempt). Caliban was therefore a creature born from passion, the offspring of an unholy pleasure. Prospero was not only of noble birth; he was also born to be the ruler of the city-state of Milan. Nobility, in Elizabethan times, carried with it heavy implications: it was expected that Prospero would be intellectually superior, and that he would exercise as great discipline over himself as he was expected to exercise over others, in his role of leadership. From their ancestry, Prospero is likely to be more ruled by his intellect, and Caliban by his love of pleasure. In the history of each character before the opening of The Tempest, there is a further contrast. Calibans original love for Prospero and Miranda, and his later misdemeanour and subsequent hatred for them, illustrate his fundamental reliance on his senses. Caliban loved Prospero and Miranda because they made much of me; and his response to this was purely sensual in his recollections: Thou strokst me, wouldst give me / Water with berries int. What Caliban responded to, more than anything else, was the sensation of pleasure that being loved and petted gave him. The action that caused Caliban to be removed from this position and punished was his attempt to rape Miranda, another example of how Caliban seeks pleasure. (Prosperos position on sexual relations is quite opposite he tells Ferdinand repeatedly not to take advantage of his daughter, and hammers the message home with the masque.) True but why? Make the full contrast clear. Prospero, on the other hand, enjoyed his original position as duke of Milan largely because he was able to study to his hearts content. This seems to indicate a particular reliance on the powers of the mind quite opposite to Calibans fault but in actual fact, Prosperos neglect of his duties and self-indulgence in pushing the matters of the state all to Antonio must be censured, and laid at the door of his lack of self-discipline. Prospero did these thi ngs because he enjoyed them so much and like Caliban, he was punished. Which is to say he did not fulfill his responsibilities. Be more direct. However, it must be noted that Prospero was able to learn from his mistake, disciplining himself into the study of magic only so far as it would restore himself, and Milan, to a state of rightful leadership. The decision to give up his magic at the end of the play can be attributed only to intellectual discipline; Prosperos understanding that for the good of his people and himself, he must give up that which gives him pleasure. It is not quite so one dimensional. During The Tempest itself, Prospero and Caliban have two very different purposes. Prospero intends to resolve the injury that was done to Miranda and himself, bloodlessly, by the use of his Art. Calibans dearest wish is to depose Prospero by killing him and, rather than resuming rule of the island himself, submit to the rule of Stephano. Prosperos purpose does indeed include passio n he wishes to take revenge on his false brother, and wants the dukedom returned to himself and Miranda. However, Prospero clearly manages to conquer his personal vendetta against Antonio, as evidenced by his forgiveness of him at the end, and his decision not to ruin Antonio by giving away his plot to kill Alonso. Besides, his personal desire to have his dukedom back is acceptable, because part of this desire is a wish to see the dukedom back in the hands of a ruler who cares for the people, not given to a ruler like Antonio, whose main interest is always himself. Prospero may be thinking in terms of self, but as long as he also keeps this lofty purpose in mind, we may say that the world of the mind has more power over him. good Calibans purpose in attaching himself to Stephano and plotting to kill Prospero is almost wholly passionate. The reason that Caliban believes Stephano to be a worthy ruler, indeed, a god, is that Stephano is the custodian of liquor, a substance that appeal s to his senses. His favourable response to Stephano is like his previous response to Prospero that someone who makes him feel good must be good. Likewise, his attempt at achieving revenge on Prospero is largely in retribution for the punishment Prospero has visited upon his senses. well said However, though Calibans desire for revenge is certainly not cerebral, his passions in it are not entirely sensual either. The crafty manner in which he persuades Stephano to aid him in his plan, by mentioning Prosperos riches and Mirandas beauty, shows the presence of some mental ability; as does his attempted tact in trying to keep Stephanos mind upon bloody thoughts. Furthermore, one of his grievances against Prospero is that he stole the island that was, by birthright, Calibans, and imprisoned Caliban upon it. This is part of the little evidence we have that Caliban operates using more than his senses and passions. However, Calibans mind is subject to his senses, much as Prosperos passions are subject to his mind. Calibans underlying motives are still passionate. His indignation at having his inheritance usurped loses its weight when we realise that, of his own free will, he will let Stephano rule showing himself to be naturally ruled, not ruler. At the end of the play, when he recognises that his choice of Stephano as a ruler was foolish, it is not mental reasoning that has led him to this conclusion, but the evidence of his senses and experience. Caliban has mind enough to function as part of society, but training him to become part of that society cannot be abstract, like Prosperos failed attempt at educating him with Miranda Calibans education must be practical and hammered home with his own senses. Neither Prospero nor Caliban cannot be said to be wholly mind or sensual passion, but Caliban does rely largely on his senses, and by the end of the play, Prosperos mind has achieved a great extent of control over his passions. text passage: Act I, Sc ii, lines 79-1 16. From Being once perfected how to grant suits to To most ignoble stooping Paying close attention to tone imagery, comment on the presentation of Prospero and important ideas in the play raised here. We are presented with the highly emotional and angst-filled account of past times in Milan narrated by the main protagonist of The Tempest, Prospero. The turbulence in his tale reminds us of the equally disturbing tempest in the previous scene with its general mood of disorder and destruction. Although there are no physical indication of violence as in the last scene, Prosperos report is coloured with such images. It is here, in Act 1 Scene 2 that we learn that Prosperos art had conjured up the tempestuous storm. Mirandas piteous heart demands a salvation for the poor souls onboard the ship but her father, the great magician, Prospero promises that, theres no harm done. He proclaims, tis time and sets out to explain his motive for raising The Tempest that is the driving force of the entire play. As he speaks of the past, Prospero is no doubt reliving every single detail in the dark backward and absym of time. He seems to have vengeance on his mind right now. Old wounds are cruelly re-opened and he re-experiences the bitterness of betrayal by is false brother and the pain of what had happened twelve year since. At the same time, he is also stirring up lost memories in Mirandas remembrance. We see Shakespeares magic at work as well while he deftly weaves the plot into his audiences mind. Every time Prospero calls Miranda to attention, Shakespeare speaks through the lips of his creation to his audience, Thou attendst not? Taking on the voice of father, magician and prince of power, the bard leads us straight into the crux of The Tempest of Prosperos voice. The usurped Duke of Milan speaks of the usurper, Antonio most vividly, using myriad images. We picture Antonios brilliance in politics as Prospero tells of how his brother being once perfected how to grant suits , how to deny them, who t advance and which to trash for over-topping supplanted him. He presents us with a hunting image as he acknowledges Antonios skill compliments him. Prospero uses a number of images in his speech to let us see Antonio as a political animal. He shows us how having both the key of the officer and office Antonio gained supporters and got rid of opposers. This double image aptly portrayed how he not only secured the authority entrusted to him; he also had the ability to assert that power to his own means set all hearts ith state to what tune pleasd his ear. At the same time, we notice that the play is one that rings of music, this is only one instance where music is mentioned. It is a recurring motif. He maneuvers his way into nature when he informs Miranda (and the audience) of the ivy which hid my princely trunk and suckd my vendure out ont. We see in our minds eye the devious Antonio who sucked the power out of his brothers welcoming hands and so, his life, leaving only a dry shell. Through the use of such imagery, Shakespeare unfolds the passionate tale of usurpation before the wondrous Miranda and us, the audience. The wise Prospero speaks of how he had laid himself wide open to harm in being transported and rapt in secret studies. Neglecting worldly ends, all dedicated to closeness and the bettering of his mind he entrusted Milan into the hands of his treacherous brother and in doing so, awakd an evil nature in his false brother. Not contented with his position, Antonio new created the creatures that were mine, changd em or else new formd em and confederates with King of Naples to bend Milan to most ignoble stooping. It is obvious that Prospero was not conscious of what Antonio was doing and so, we, the sympathetic listeners feel for him although we know that he is partly at fault for his downfall. Prosperos anger and feelings of vengeance is understandable but we know that theres no harm done. At the same time, as we listen to the usurped fling charge after charge at the amoral usurper like the sea waves beating relentlessly at the yellow sands, Shakespeare questions the Prosperos usurpation of the creatures of the island Caliban and Ariel. We find out later that the powerful mage subjects the most delicate monster, Caliban to most ignoble stooping and even the fine apparition, Ariel is not spared from the magic of Prospero who has him at his beck and call. They cry for liberty but do they receive it from the usurped master? This is another of the important ideas raised in the play. Miranda listens attentively to her father as he relives how he had placed his trust mistakenly on Antonio, like a good parent and how it beget of him a falsehood in its contrary. He needs will be absolute Milan. This convoluted image reminds us of how the unknowing Caliban had placed his trust and loved thee and showed thee all the qualities o th isle. The situation of Prospero twelve year since mirrors that of the abhorred slave , Caliban. Meanwhile, it also presents Antonio and Prospero as complex political creatures surviving in the realism of politics. The usurped did not refrain from usurping others in a different place and time. Here, we see the men as truly brothers because they are alike in their usurpation. The only difference lies in Prosperos benevolence in his decision towards reconciliation. We are given enough to be sure that Antonio will never consider the very idea because he made a sinner of his own memory. The man created and shaped his own reality to suit his means and this is another recurring motif in the play. We have seen how the people are unable to see through the illusion of the tempest and sometimes, they just do not understand their own reality because they do not want to see it. Prospero has made use of that weakness to recover his dukedom as he brings the plotters, Antonio, Sebastian and Alonso to the island for a lesson. We will meet the king of Naples who despairs of ever find ing his beloved son, Ferdinand after The Tempest and refuses to entertain the hope of seeing him again but we know he does in the end. Power, all prerogative had gone into the plotters heads and this veils the actual reality to become another reality in the mind. We encounter another motif in the play, that of fathers. We know that although the fathers (Prospero and Antonio) are enemies, they will forget their differences in the union of their child (Ferdinand and Miranda) eventually. This tale that would cure deafness is the stepping stone of the entire play and we are presented with a multi-faceted Prospero the magician who usurps, the wronged who was usurped, the avenger, the father, the master, the duke. Can we really define him? Shakespeare leaves that intriguing thought in our minds as we take leave of this account full of imagistic qualities and themes. The Tempest, written in 1611, was one of William Shakespeares last plays. It has a combination of superb characters, intere sting settings, and a good plot line—all held together by the running theme of magic, and its ever-present importance. A closer examination of the magic in The Tempest, and the publics view of magic at the time, will give insight as to Shakespeares choice of magic as a theme, and why it has made the play so successful and timeless. Magic presented itself to Shakespeare as a controversial topic, as it had been the persecution of those believed to perform black magic, (witches) that had been at the forefront of societal concerns since 1050. However, after 500 years of witch-hunts, a turning point occurred in 1584, at the publication of Reginald Scots The Discouerie of Witchcrafte (The Discovery of Witchcraft). This book was the first major book to denounce witch-hunts and their ringleaders, and unquestionable the first book in English to actually hypothesize about the methods of these so-called witches. It contained one chapter of approximately twenty pages describing what we m ight view as unsophisticated, old-time magic tricks. One would assume that it was this text, and texts succeeding this (The Art of Juggling, written by Samuel Ridd in 1610 also presented a few how-tos of magic) were probably not only what suggested the idea of using magic as a them to Shakespeare, but in addition, provided methods as to how the magic in the play might be accomplished. Despite the fact that in retrospective analysis it is fairly clear that witches were nothing more that magicians with a slightly different presentation, audiences were not always aware of –and those that were, were rarely convinced by—the two aforementioned texts. Witches were still persecuted and witch-hunts did not actually stop until the end of the seventeenth century. Therefore, Shakespeares use of magic was controversial, compounded by the fact that Prospero was presented in a largely good light—a move probably made as a political statement, as it is known that Shakespeares pl ays were sometimes written to include political suggestions to King James. However, when Prospero relinquished his powers at the end of the play, those that did believe in the witch-hunts were satisfied. Everyone was happy. After considering the contention that the masque scene was added for the purposes of compliment to Elizabeth and Fredericks marriage, one could conclude that Shakespeare learned more about magic after he wrote The Tempest. The reasoning follows. One could only assume that Shakespeare would have tried to make the magic in the play as fooling and magical as possible. Although there were two magic effects in the play, one of them –the spirit music—would not have fooled even the most unsophisticated and nave audiences. Even before the era of Harry Houdini, or even the wandering street magicians of the 1700s, audiences were not fooled by music being played offstage. It is the other effect, that of the banquet disappearance that, well executed, would have fooled Shakespeares audiences, and would even have a shot of passing muster today. However, this banquet sequence was in the masque scene, theoretically added two years after the original writing of the play. The question that begs to be answered therefore, is why didnt Shakespeare fund some other way of including a more sophisticated magic effect into the play? The most logical answer would be that he learned more about magic and witch techniques after he wrote the play. Maybe at first he was unable to grasp the explanations in the Scot text, or maybe he didnt even read it before the original writing—possibly it was just called to his attention, and he was unable to lay his hands on a copy until after he wrote the play Whether or not Shakespeare ever read the Scot text in its entirety, or whether or not the banquet disappearance was added before or after the original writing, neither is relevant to magics central importance to the play. Obviously, magic could grab audiences of Shakespeares time. As it happens, magic had been grabbing audiences since 2500 BC (according to a depiction of a magician on the Beni Hassan tomb in Egypt) and magic continues to grab audiences today. It caught Shakespeares eye, and has made the play timeless, and theatrically entertaining. 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Sunday, November 24, 2019

Cover Letter 2012 example Essays - Customer Experience Management

Cover Letter 2012 example Essays - Customer Experience Management 18 February 2012 Reginald Farnham ABC Sales 85 Tuesday Road Papakura AUCKLAND Dear Reginald Re: Sales Assistant Vacancy (vacancy number 40568) I am writing to apply for the position of sales assistant at your company, which was advertised in the Daily Post on 14 February 2012. For the past two years I have worked as a sales assistant at a busy shoe store, where I have developed my customer service skills. Although I have greatly enjoyed this role, I am looking for a new challenge that will provide me with the opportunity to further develop my retail sales career. I have enclosed my CV to support my application. It shows that I will bring important skills to the position, including: time management and strong organisational skills high-level customer service cash-handling and sales ability motivation and dedication. I have been a customer of ABC Sales for a number of years and have always been impressed by the quality of service I have received. I am enthusiastic and professional, and I believe I would fit well into the companys team culture and contribute to the ongoing success of the sales department. I would very much enjoy having the opportunity to talk with you further to discuss the requirements and expectations of the position, and how I could use my skills to benefit ABC. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely, Lizzie Long

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Emergency , anaphylaxis to seafood Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Emergency , anaphylaxis to seafood - Essay Example There may be rash on the skin, trouble in swallowing, trouble in breathing, and more†. (1) Sea food induced anaphylaxis results from the foreign protein (external allergen) coming in contact with the mast cells present in the gastrointestinal tract. This contact leads to histamine being released in massive amounts that produce the symptoms and signs of anaphylaxis. The time from ingestion of the seafood to manifestation of anaphylaxis ranges from just a few minutes to two hours. Signs and symptoms range from tachycardia, hypotension, and breathing difficulty to flushing and uticaria. Deterioration from onset is rapid and leads to life threatening consequences. Asphyxiation is the most common cause for death from anaphylaxis. (2) The patient was brought to the emergency department by his wife on January 10, 2007 at nine in the night. Patient was ambulatory and walked into the emergency department. Skin rash and shortness of breath was the complaint. History showed that the patient had consumed Chinese seafood approximately two hours prior to the presentation at the emergency department. The patient appeared pale. Blood pressure was 75/40, heart rate 125/min. respiratory rate 35, and temperature 36C. No stridor was seen, nor was there any facial. or upper airway swelling. The soft palate and uvula were not edematous. Occasional wheezing was present and the periphery felt cold on touching. Widespread uticaria rash was noticed predominantly on the chest, abdomen, back and proximal limbs. The consumption of sea food approximately two hours prior to the presentation, the low blood pressure, increased heart rate, respiratory compensation, and widespread uticaria rash were positive signs for food induced anaphylaxis. The lack of stridor or facial or upper airway swelling were the negative findings in the diagnosis of food induced anaphylaxis. 0.5 mg adrenalin IM was given immediately. While an IV access was being created I liter of 0.9 saline and a bag of

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Importance of Global Education in Promoting Better Relations Within Essay - 10

Importance of Global Education in Promoting Better Relations Within Society - Essay Example There has been some correspondence in terms of the things global education entails and its expected role in society. For example, comparing the works of Hicks, Pikes, and Selby in relation to global education may give some insight on the aspects involved in global education. Global education can be considered to be more focused on bringing change to society by improving levels of coexistence among people. However, its focus is not limited to a small geographical area but rather focuses on facilitating this change on global scales. In order to promote unity and peaceful coexistence, it important to create awareness on the importance of social justice, human rights and acceptance of cultural diversity. This focus of global education can be attributed to the need for the creation of a better future society. With peaceful coexistence, it is possible to unite the people from diversified cultures and regions in a cooperative way. This is to say that global education changes the general view of people in looking at different global issues and creates an open mind enabling its partakers to think from a more global platform. According to Pike global education impacts change on students enabling them to take charge of their future (2000, p.221; Selby). This is to say that global education fulfills the aspect of changing people’s point of view and encourages them to take up responsibilities. However, the change is not only at a personal level but also from a less individualistic point. This then creates the ability of global education to improve society. By charging partakers of global education to take responsibility for social and personal issues, people can be able to challenge different issues in the world especially those causing crisis. These issues may include policies and values in the society with inclusions of

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Exam 3 for public adminstration Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Exam 3 for public adminstration - Research Paper Example The leader positively motivates the group members of the organization to do the best jobs by working independently. Leadership focuses on the constant improvement of the organization and its growth by keeping a good picture always (Khan, 167). On the other hand, management may involve negative motivations like punishment to the members in case some goals are not reached in time or if the goals fail to be accomplished. Management involves the person in the highest position giving orders to the lower position members. Therefore, management is a matter of position and warnings to avoid failure (Khan, 173). Transformational leadership: this is a type of the leadership whereby the members being under control of their leaders are inspired by the leaders to major in the organizational goals and not their self-interests. The organizational goals should be prioritized first before any other action is to be done. The basis of this leadership is devotion and not bureaucratic self-interest (Khan, 170). Micromanagement is a type management whereby the subordinate members are under high supervision from their manager. The manager is very close to the activities that are taking place in the organization. An example of micromanagement is where an experienced employee is give a task and its deadline. Instead of waiting for the employee to complete the task, the manager will be checking on the employee occasionally on the working desk or sending many email to him or her asking how the task is going on or its been completed. This type of management may lower the productivity of the workers since they will be feeling unsecured and others may even quit their jobs (Khan, 177). Over management involves putting very high goals in the organization and trying to achieve them. The goals may be very hard to achieve but the manager is very optimistic that the goals are achievable although the workers do not believe that way. The workers will not be

Friday, November 15, 2019

Data Mining Analysis in Health Department

Data Mining Analysis in Health Department Data mining has been used intensively and appreciably in lots of fields of life. Likewise in healthcare, data mining is becoming more and more popular each day. Its extensive applications can greatly advantage all events worried inside the healthcare industry. As an instance, data mining in healthcare enterprise benefits each insurer and insured. It assist insurers to hit upon fraud and abuse, healthcare agencies make client relationship management choices, physicians become aware of powerful treatments and great practices, and insurer sufferers receive higher and greater inexpensive healthcare offerings. Conventional, time ingesting, complex and voluminous generated transactions to be processed and analyzed in a totally brief duration. Facts mining offers the technique and technology to transform those mounds of raw shaped statistics into very useful information for choice making. This article explores data mining programs in healthcare. Particularly, it discusses data mining and it s applications inner healthcare in primary regions such as the assessment of treatment effectiveness control of healthcare, client relationship manipulate, and the detection of fraud and abuse. It also gives an illustrative example of a healthcare data mining software concerning the identification of chance elements associated with the onset of diabetes. Sooner or later, the thing highlights the constraints of information mining and discusses some destiny guidelines. The net of things (IoT) and its relevant technologies can seamlessly integrate classical networks with networked units and devices. IoT has been playing an critical role ever because it appeared, which covers from conventional system to preferred household objects and has been attracting the attention of researchers from academia, enterprise, and government in recent years. there may be a remarkable imaginative and prescient that each one things can be easily managed and monitored, may be recognized routinely by using different things, can speak with every different via internet, and can even make decisions via themselves . with a purpose to make IoT smarter, plenty of analysis technology are delivered into IoT; one of the maximum precious technology is data mining. Data mining involves coming across novel, exciting, and probably useful patterns from large statistics sets and making use of algorithms to the extraction of hidden information. Many other terms are used for data mining, for example, knowledge discovery (mining) in databases (KDD), knowledge extraction, data/sample analysis, information archeology, statistics dredging, and data harvesting. The goal of any data mining system is to construct an efficient predictive or descriptive version of a big amount of information that not handiest fine fits or explains it, however is also capable of generalize to new facts. Primarily based on a large view of data mining functionality, data mining is the technique of discovering interesting knowledge from huge quantities of records stored in both databases, data warehouses, and other records repositories. On the idea of the definition of data mining and the definition of data mining capabilities, an average data mining process consists of the subsequent steps. Statistics guidance put together the records for mining. It includes three sub steps integrate records in numerous facts assets and easy the noise from statistics, extract some parts of data into records mining device; preprocess the statistics to facilitate the records mining. Data mining observe algorithms to the information to discover the patterns and compare patterns of discovered expertise. The health department is one of the biggest department who need to be more focused to work on data mining development. We see that there are many diseases present all over the world and especially in third world countries where hunger, thirst of clean water and fatal diseases prevails especially African countries. This is why in many countries people are not able to lead a better life because of inflation. They dont have enough amount of income to bear their health expenses. And we also observe that in such countries their govt. doesnt have enough sources to develop a better healthcare system. In recent research only 2 percent of total budget is spend on health in such countries. In such place the private laboratories have free hands to charge for lab tests due to their monopoly. A person who is not able to perform that type of test fined wrong medicine instead of right prescription. So in a result of that either he will die or may be near to die. So if we study and focus more on res earch then we will be able to find the exact disease rather than with the help of physical appearance of the patient. So we need to be more focused on this domain of data mining. And there are many data miners who are working in the field of this domain of life. But this is not enough for the whole world. We need to be more dedicated and work harder on this domain to have a better world. An expansion of researches specializing in expertise view, approach view, and application view can be found in the literature. But, no previous attempt has been made to check the unique perspectives of Data mining in a systematic way, in particular in nowadays massive statistics mobile net and net of factors develop unexpectedly and some facts mining researchers shift their attention from records mining to big facts. There are plenty of facts that can be mined, for instance, database facts (relational database, NoSQL database), data warehouse, records circulation, spatiotemporal, time series, series, text and web, multimedia graphs, the sector extensive web, internet of factors statistics and legacy gadget log. Influenced by means of this, in this paper, we try to make a complete survey of the vital current tendencies of information mining studies. This survey specializes in information view, applied techniques view, and application view of records mining in the department of health. Lack of data mining leads to patients death in many cases in past we have experienced many such cases. Doctor could not diagnose the actual disease due to lack of proper reports as the result of that patients suffers and died in the end. While now data miners collect the record for more than 1 million people who have different diseases so they analysis the record and check that many disease have same symptoms and segregate different symptoms accordingly. So data miner says that if a patient has same symptoms and he should go to doctor for thorough checkup then doctor recommends the patient for concerning lab tests whom he sees in the patient then he concludes the proper disease and write proper prescription for that particular disease. Various information mining applications have been sent in the health department. In any case, most applications can be categorized as one of the accompanying three classes: showcasing, misrepresentation identification, and system blame detachment and forecast. Healthcare covers detailed approaches of the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of ailment, damage and other bodily and intellectual impairments in human beings. The healthcare industry in maximum international locations is evolving at a speedy tempo. The healthcare enterprise may be seemed as location with rich records as they generate massive amounts of statistics consisting of digital clinical facts, administrative reports and other benchmarking finding. These healthcare facts are but being below-utilized. As discussed in facts mining is able to look for new and valuable records from these huge volumes of records. Facts mining in healthcare are being used especially for predicting numerous illnesses in addition to in supporting for analysis for the docs in making their scientific selection. The dialogue on the various methods used within the healthcare enterprise are discussed as follows. Anomaly detection is used in discovering the maximum extensive changes within the statistics set used 3 one-of-a-kind anomaly detection technique, preferred assist vector information description, density- brought on support vector data description and Gaussian mixture to assess the accuracy of the anomaly detection on uncertain dataset of liver disease dataset which is received from UCI. The technique is evaluated the use of the AUC accuracy. The results acquired for a balanced dataset through common become 93.59%. Whilst the common preferred deviation received from the identical dataset is two.63. The uncertain dataset are prone to be to be had in all datasets, the ambiguity detection would be an amazing way to resolved this count, however because there may be simplest one paper discussing this technique, we cannot remark a good deal on the effectiveness of the technique. Greediness is intense issue for health insurance Company, bringing about billions of dollars of lost income every year. Greediness can be partitioned into classes: misleading and false information. Misleading happens when a client want to get unauthorized benefits for another party from the insurance company This offense can be perpetrate by the insured individual or the provider of health services. A person subscriber can commit health insurance fraud by: Allowing a person else to use his or her identity and insurance data to obtain health care services the usage of benefits to pay for prescriptions that had been no longer prescribed via his or her medical doctor health care companies can dedicate fraudulent acts by using: Billing for offerings processes and/or materials that had been never rendered Charging for extra expensive offerings than the ones truly supplied. Acting unnecessary offerings for the reason of financial benefit Misrepresenting non-protected treatments as a clinical necessity. Falsifying an affected persons analysis to justify assessments surgeries or other processes. Billing every step of a single technique as if it were a separate manner. Charging a patient greater than the co-pay agreed to below the insurers terms. Paying kickbacks for referral of motor car coincidence victims for treatment. The technology and methods of DM were designed in most cases for communication permitting the short and smooth transmission of statistics from the patients to the healthcare vendors who can treat them. A facet effect of that is that, over time, its going to generate big databases of measurements, clinical imagery, symptom descriptions, diagnostics, etc. The purpose for this is that in most cases the facts arent always meant to be handled in real time however saved to be examined later. While it is not their number one reason, the constitution of these databases creates formidable opportunities for researchers to discover fitness statistics from hundreds or thousands of patients. those numbers, a lot extra that what can be accomplished in maximum regular studies that recruit volunteers, allow scientists to enhance patient remedy via searching out patterns on a massive scale and draw new conclusions, for example about the link among the improvement of a clinical condition and environmental factors. as an instance, the Center stone studies Institute has advanced tools for studying the treatment of all their sufferers and discerning the methods that supply the quality end result to be able to practice them to future patients. The information mining has played in a pivotal role in healthcare industry, mainly diagnosing various kinds of sicknesses. The analysis is broadly being used in predicting sicknesses; theyre considerably utilized in clinical diagnosing. In end, there may be no one statistics mining method to resolve the troubles within the healthcare information sets. with a purpose to gain the very best accuracy amongst classifiers that is essential in scientific diagnosing with the characteristics of data being taken care, we want to layout a hybrid version that may solve the noted problems. Our destiny guidelines are to enhance the predictions the usage of hybrid fashions. References

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Shakespeares Macbeth - Persuasiveness of Lady Macbeth :: Free Essay Writer

The Persuasiveness of Lady Macbeth  Ã‚   When considering a dilemma, we usually turn towards those we love for advice, since they are the ones to whom we listen. In William Shakespears' Macbeth, Lady Macbeth is greatly responsible for the killing of King Duncan. Lady Macbeth reveals her secret evil nature, which pushes her towards her evil doings. Once Macbeth learns his prophecy to be king, she immediately convinces and persuades Macbeth into following her plan. Towards the end, when the crimes have been committed, Lady Macbeth shows weakness and guilt for her evil deeds. Lady Macbeth expresses a hidden evil throughout the play. Behind closed doors, she shows her evil by voicing her heartless phrases to herself. She shows she has no love but for her evil and knows no bounderies when it comes to having her way. "That I may pour my spirits in thine ear" Shows that Lady Macbeth knows that she is evil and is wishing that she could share her evil with Macbeth. "Make thick my blood, Stop up th' Access and Passage to remorse." Expresses Lady Macbeth wanting more evil and is asking for her blood to stop the passage through her heart, so she can continue her evil ways without any remorse or guilt. Although Lady Macbeth is evil, she knows well not to convey this trait to the public, but to be pleasant and sweet to the king and others. Once Macbeth is told his prophecy of being king by the witches, he soon writes a letter to his wife explaining his newly found future, hoping to find some advice in return. Instead, Lady Macbeth quickly begins to think how life could be greater if he were king now. She then persuades Macbeth into killing King Duncan. "And to be more than what you were, you would be so much more the man." says Lady Macbeth, trying to change her husbands mind. She shows Macbeth that if they follow her plan exactly and show remorse for the kings' death. They would not fail, "Who dares receive it other, As we shall make our greifs and clamor roar upon his death?" Towards the end of the play, Lady Macbeth shows weakness and guilt for her evil plans, and begins to go crazy. "Out damned spot! Out, I say!" " Who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him" "The Thane of Fife had a wife.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Review of Family Types Essay

Single-Parent Families A single-parent family is a family where the parents are divorced or one of the parents died. Children from single parent families tend to have more problems than children from families with two parents. Research has shown that children from single-parent families get lower grades in school. As a result, fewer children from single parent families go to university. They also get in trouble with the police more. When children from single-parent families grow up, they are more likely to commit a crime or go to jail. However, not all children from single-parent families have problems. Single parents can also be very loving and caring. Nuclear Families Nuclear families are families where just parents and their children live together. Traditionally, most people lived in extended families but increasingly people are choosing to live in nuclear families. Research has shown that urbanization is the main reason why people have changed from living in extended families to living in nuclear families. (Urbanization is when people leave the countryside to live in the city). In Japan, for example, most people lived in extended families before WWII. But now most people live in nuclear families. And before WWII only 38% of people lived in cities, but now 80% of the people live in cities. Extended Families Extended families are families where three or more generations are living in the same house. Usually, that means that the grandparents are living with their children and grandchildren. Research has shown that there are several advantages to living in extended families. Extended families are very important in countries where there is no social security net. Extended families help prevent elderly people from becoming poor. Another advantage is that the grandparents can look after the children. During the day, the grandparents watch the children to make sure that they are ok. And they also talk to the children when the parents are busy. This helps the children learn their language. And since the children are well taken care of, both of the parents are free to work on the farm or earn money in jobs. Bicultural Families Bicultural families are families where the parents come from different nationalities or different religions or different races. One advantage to coming from a bicultural family is that the children have more experiences. And so they tend to be more open-minded. Language is another area where bicultural children have an advantage. Research has shown that children can easily learn two languages when they are young. But it is important for the parents to not mix the languages. The father should only use the father’s language when speaking to the child and the mother should only use the mother’s language. However, one disadvantage of living in a bicultural family is that children have an identity problem. They don’t know who they are. Quiz – Four Families What are single-parent families? Do children from single parents tend to have more or fewer problems? What two problems does the article talk about? (1) (2) Do all children from single-parent families have problems? What is an extended family? Where are extended families very important? How do grandparents help children? What is a nuclear family? What is the main reason why more and more people live in nuclear families? How did Japan change after WWII? What is a bicultural family? How are children from bicultural families different from other children? If bicultural parents want to teach their children how to speak two languages what should they do? What problems do bicultural children have?

Friday, November 8, 2019

Critically Evaluate the Case for and Against Global Governance Essays

Critically Evaluate the Case for and Against Global Governance Essays Critically Evaluate the Case for and Against Global Governance Essay Critically Evaluate the Case for and Against Global Governance Essay 1. 0Introduction: Mulley ( 2008 ) defines planetary administration as government-like activities in the international system . Over the past eight decennaries. it has been possible to witness the growing and development of the assorted establishments and administrations that compose modern planetary administration. From the creative activity of the United Nations to the constitution of the European Union. planetary administration has had a major influence on political relations and on our mundane lives. The intent of this essay is to analyze the different facets of planetary administration and effort to critically measure statements for and against its being. Therefore. this essay begins with the instance against planetary administration by oppugning the function of planetary establishments consistently concentrating on some of the major failures of the international system. such as the managing of the universe fiscal crisis of 2008. It so moves on to measure whether the current international community is able to confront challenges such as growth of planetary inequality and planetary warming ( Jayadev. 2010 ) . Subsequently. the successes of the assorted organic structures of planetary administration such as the United Nations Social and Economic council and its Millennium development ends and the benefits of the Single European market will be discussed. Furthermore. the essay will analyze some current tendencies. such as the planetary heating understanding reached late in Cancun Mexico. which give cause for cautious optimism ( Mulley. 2008 ) . Ultimately. this essay constructs a balanced analysis of the positive and negative statements on planetary administration and will finally measure whether the statements proposed reach a coherent and plausible decision 2. 0 Arguments against: After sketching the construction of this paper. this essay will get down by measuring the statements against planetary administration. First. it will analyze the authoritative statement of the administration quandary. Boyer et Al. ( 2007 ) describes the administration quandary as the increasing demand of more and more states for international administrations to turn to jobs on a planetary scale†¦ . yet when these establishments undermine province sovereignty the states become less and less willing to back up them . This position appropriately represents the construct of the administration quandary because as Boyer et Al ( 2007 ) later states The appropriate function of planetary establishments in affairs that cross province sovereignty is a affair of high profile and controversy . To back up this statement it is necessary to look back on the behavior of antique U. S President George Bush during the preliminary to the war in Iraq. Initially. he stated that Although I would wish the United Nations Security Council to approve military intercession in Iraq. I do non experience it is necessary ( Boyer et al. 2007 ) . However. he concluded that the U. S will move one-sidedly. I am confident the American people will understand that when it comes to our security if we need to move we will move. We truly do non necessitate the United Nations’ blessing to make it . ( Boyer et al 2007 ) . It is clear that planetary administration can non work without the support of the states and of their peoples and that at the same clip a turning figure of the policy challenges confronting provinces in the modern-day planetary system are multinational in character and therefore demand many-sided solutions for effectual resolution ( Mearshimer. 1995 ) . State provinces need to happen a balance in the mutuality between national and supranational otherwise planetary administration will stay uneffective. As writer David Held ( 2006 ) proposes: The paradox of our times refers to the fact that the corporate issues we must cope with are of turning cross-border extensity and strength but the agencies for turn toing these are state-based. weak and uncomplete. Second. the essay will look back at the events of the universe fiscal crisis of 2008 and why planetary administration has failed to cover with it in an effectual manner. It is a fact that policy devising in the wake of the fiscal crisis was nationally based instead than cover with at an international degree. In add-on it could be argued that non merely responses to assist states unable to cover with the crisis were weak and non-committal but besides that international establishments themselves were a major subscriber to the crisis by supplying narrow policy advice ( Jayadev. 2010 ) . The Commission of Experts set up by the President of the United Nations agreed with the latter point in chapter 4 of their study: The response of international fiscal establishments to the planetary fiscal crisis has demonstrated the urgency to reexamine the adequateness of their mandates ( Jayadev. 2010 ) . International administrations did non acknowledge the failing of the planetary economic system but they besides promoted policies that prevented national governments from protecting their citizens from economic instability. It can be argued that from the point of position of poorer states the result of the fiscal crisis is merely a contemplation of the go oning failure of planetary administration. In fact the UN estimated that up to a 103 million more people would fall into poorness because of the crisis and worse of all the IMF estimated that the cost to African economic systems from the crisis was around $ 250 billion ( Jayadev. 2010 ) . This statement one time once more proposes the job that the members of current planetary establishments continue to trust on the Westphalia premise that the state is the 1 that acts and makes decisions ( Jayadev 2010 ) . Furthermore. the paper moves onto the more delicate topic of the failure of most international administrations in efficaciously deciding planetary and non planetary struggle. The flooring instance of Rwanda is likely one of the clearest illustrations of moral inadequacy of modern-day planetary governance ( Murphy. 2000 ) . From April to July 1994 between 500. 000 and 800. 000 people including ? of the Tutsi population were slaughtered. The events happened despite a widely sanctioned UN Genocide Convention and ample warning provided to the UN secretariat and the Security Council by its ain officers in the field ( Murphy. 2000 ) . The effects of the race murder were dramatic. Writer Peter Uvin ( 1998 ) writes: The Tutsi military authorities seized power to halt the race murder and accordingly moved on to trip a cascade of wars across cardinal Africa . The whole International community was blamed and put to dishonor. By analysing the grounds why the international community was set up. most of import one being to avoid international struggle. it could be argued that the failure to efficaciously step in in a struggle is the biggest and most of import failure of planetary administration. Finally. the literature reasoning the instance against planetary administration brings up another defect of modern international administrations. more specifically mentioning to the demand of a reform in the UN construction. It is possible to detect that at the minute the United Nations Security Council mostly reflects the state of affairs of 1945. China. France. Russia. United Kingdom and the United States of America have been the lasting members for decennaries. The last decennary brought major alterations in the planetary political economic system ; there has been a greater economic end product from states such as India and Brazil and yet Belgium still holds more quotas than Brazil. 2. 12 % against 1. 41 % . at the International Monetary Fund ( Jayadev. 2010 ) . The economic and political scene is clearly changing and so should the assorted organic structures that make up planetary administration.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Jackson vs. Calhoun and the Nullification Crisis Essay Essays

Jackson vs. Calhoun and the Nullification Crisis Essay Essays Jackson vs. Calhoun and the Nullification Crisis Essay Paper Jackson vs. Calhoun and the Nullification Crisis Essay Paper It has been rare in American history for presidents and vice-presidents non to acquire along. but it has happened on a few occasions: Adams and Jefferson. Kennedy and Johnson. and Eisenhower and Nixon are a few illustrations ( Jackson vs. Calhoun-Part 1 1 ) . However. the most controversial relationship between president and his helper was between Andrew Jackson and John C. Calhoun. Their dissensions began really early on in Jackson’s disposal. and lasted until after the declaration of the Nullification Crisis. Nullification is the refusal of a province to acknowledge a federal jurisprudence within its boundaries and deem that jurisprudence unconstitutional. In this instance. South Carolina. led by John C. Calhoun. refused to acknowledge the protective duties in 1828. and 1832. stating that they benefited the North and injured the South. At this point in clip. the American system of authorities was reasonably new and the battle between province and federal power was in full swing. Towards the terminal of the crisis. Calhoun went so far as to endanger to splinter from the Union to demo Jackson and the remainder of America that single province authoritiess were so powerful. When the wrangle had reached its extremum. Jackson had had plenty and decided it was clip to set an terminal to the crisis. The actions and determinations made by President Andrew Jackson in respects to John C. Calhoun and the Nullification Crisis non merely enabled the Union to stay together. but proved the power of the federal authorities. Before reexamining Jackson’s actions during the Nullification Crisis it is of import to understand where the dissensions between the two work forces originated. In 1829. merely shortly before Jackson was inaugurated. John Eaton. a friend and shortly to be secretary of war under Jackson. married the widow and non-reputable Peggy O’Neale Timberlake. Because Timberlake was now the married woman of a adult male in office. the other adult females would hold to accept her as an equal. which they were non happy about. Jackson. nevertheless. refused to believe that the adult females were justified in their behaviour. for he considered Peggy to be â€Å"chaste as a virgin† ( Barzman 56 ) . After Jackson ordered the married womans of all of his associates to see Mrs. Eaton as a societal equal. they all complied except for one ; Floride Calhoun. the married woman of John C. Calhoun. Calhoun subsequently claimed to Jackson he could non ( or would non ) change the head of his strong willed married woman. This enraged the freshly elected President and began the disruptive nature of the two men’s relationship. The chief facet which fueled their hapless relationship was their differences in political sentiments. Although both work forces were from similar parts of the state and both were dedicated to the public assistance of their place provinces. they disagreed on one really of import country. Jackson was a patriot. who believed strongly in continuing the Union and puting federal power over that of the single provinces. Calhoun. on the other manus. was precisely the antonym. Although anterior to 1830. he had been a patriot. Calhoun was now an utmost states’ rights advocator ( Barzman 56 ) . This colossal difference in political doctrine set the scene for the most of import statement between president and vice-president and foreshadows Calhoun’s programs for South Carolina. Calhoun had been garnering his information and explicating his thoughts for the hereafter of South Carolina for rather some clip. waiting for the perfect chance to uncover his maestro program. He wanted to declare nullification because his place province of South Carolina was economically down. fearful about the hereafter of bondage. and thought the new duties supported the North at the disbursal of the South ( The Nullification 1 ) . Jackson had an thought that Calhoun was be aftering something extremist so at the Jefferson Day Dinner on April 30. 1830. he stated that â€Å"Our Union–it must be preserved† . To this Calhoun replied. â€Å"The Union. Next to our autonomies. most dear† ( Barzman 58 ) . After publically declaring his dedication to South Carolina before the Union. Calhoun resigned the vice-presidential term and served in the South Carolina Senate. Less than two old ages subsequently. on April 24. 1832. Calhoun sent the South Carolina Ordinance of Nullification to Jackson. in which he declared. â€Å"The people of the province of South Carolina declare the responsibilities imposed by said Acts of the Apostless. and all judicial proceedings which shall be afterlife had in affirmance thereof. are and shall be void and null. We do farther declare that we will non subject to the application of force on the portion of the Federal Government† ( Hamilton 1 ) . Jackson. appalled by this direct menace to the Union and the Federal Government. was determined to set Calhoun in his topographic point and make anything he could to continue the Union. Although Calhoun had stated in his Regulation that South Carolina would non react to any forceful Acts of the Apostless by the authorities to try to acquire Calhoun to endorse down. Jackson found a manner to outwit his opposition. Jackson had congress base on balls a measure in 1833. â€Å"which allowed him to utilize soldiers to implement the duty measures† ( Nullification Crisis 1 ) . After the Force Bill was passed. Jackson sent several war vessels and 100s of soldiers to Charleston to implement the Torahs of the authorities. Some people argue that what Jackson did was incorrectly because based on the fundamental law. Calhoun had the right to declare Nullification for South Carolina. However. what Jackson did was besides constitutional and enabled the United States of America to stay as one. Had Jackson non passed the Force Bill instantly after South Carolina’s Ordinance was received. Calhoun’s strategy may hold succeeded and South Carolina would hold seceded from the Union. turn outing that the Federal Government truly did non hold any power over that of the single province. After the footings of the Force Bill were set into topographic point. Calhoun began to recognize the problem he had gotten himself into and wanted to happen a dignified manner to deliver himself and his place province. At first Calhoun attempted to happen other provinces willing to back up and fall in his cause. but no other Southern provinces seemed to hold with his theory of nullification. In order to decide the issue. Calhoun went to Henry Clay. the â€Å"Great Compromiser† . for aid. Towards the terminal of 1833. Clay was able to outline a via media which â€Å"pacified South Carolina while leting the Federal authorities to stand firm† ( The Nullification 2 ) . This dialogue bit by bit reduced the duties over a period of 10 old ages until they returned down to the degree which had existed in 1816. Jackson and Calhoun both signed the via media and the crisis ended without bloodshed. Many people argue that it was due to the negociating accomplishments of Henry Clay. non Jackson. which enabled the Union to stay in tact. However. had Jackson non passed the Force Bill ab initio. Calhoun neer would hold been pressured into seeking out Clay for aid. With the decision of the Nullification Crisis its significance to the growing of the American authorities became evident. By Jackson get the better ofing Calhoun. and basically get the better ofing the statement of states’ rights advocators. he accomplished two of import things. His first achievement was that he had â€Å"proved the power of the Federal Government to implement Torahs. even when provinces disagree with them† ( Jackson vs. Calhoun – Part 2 2 ) . This non merely gave the American people more assurance in the Federal Government. but made them get down to recognize that holding province authoritiess stronger than the Federal authorities would non be good to the state. Jackson’s 2nd achievement was that he enabled the Union to stay integral. He had postponed any bloodshed over the issue of states’ rights – but merely for 30 old ages. Had Calhoun’s wants been fulfilled. the Union may hold fallen apart and his place province of South Carolina would hold become a powerful autonomous district. The difference in political doctrine between Andrew Jackson and John C. Calhoun was the root of their disruptive relationship. which began early on in their executive life together. The confrontational nature of their relationship led America into the Nullification Crisis during which Calhoun put the public assistance of his place province above that of the brotherhood. seeking to splinter and demo the power of province authorities. Jackson would non hold provinces overmastering the authorities. and passed the Force Bill leting him to utilize the Federal Army and Navy to acquire South Carolina to obey the Torahs the Federal Government had made. State Government and Calhoun lost their conflict and the Federal Government proved its powers. Although he was non able to wipe out the job of states’ rights. were it non for Jackson’s intelligent determinations during the Nullification Crisis. the United States may non hold existed. as a individual brotherhood. as it does today.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

MEDIATION between Saudi Arabia and The U.S Thesis

MEDIATION between Saudi Arabia and The U.S - Thesis Example With a shift in public policies, increasing numbers of corporates and legal firms are using alternative dispute resolution or ADR processes for conflict resolution. This paper explores mediation, which is a type of  alternative dispute resolution  process, where a third member or party, known as the mediator, helps the disputing parties to  reach a settlement. It will also study the mediation processes followed in the US and Saudi Arabia, while also taking into consideration the mediation methods not adopted by these two countries. Alternative dispute resolution or ADR (also referred to external dispute resolution  in countries, as Australia)1 is a process other than litigation or adjudication in court, in which there is the presence of a neutral third party who helps to resolve conflicts or disputes.2 The process includes  conflict resolution  procedures and mechanisms, which allows the conflicting parties to reach an agreement that would not result in litigation. ADR is actually an umbrella term for different ways in which the conflicting parties can work out a resolution, with or even without the presence and assistance of a third party. Despite a general perspective that ADR processes are capable of elevating the outcome quality and the degree of justice achieved in a conflict situation, ADR has faced a great deal of resistance in the past. As experts claimed, â€Å"for decades different forms of dispute resolution (ADR) have been proposed, developed, critiqued, modified, renamed, redefined and slow ly brought within the usually suspicious, and sometimes hostile, edifice of state-based normative ordering. Some see this as†¦democratic storming of the Kafkaesque citadel of the law†¦[While] others see it as a dangerous dilution or even undermining of justice.†3 Despite the initial resistance, ADR has currently gained global popularity and acceptance amongst the common people and those in the  law

Friday, November 1, 2019

Mitral valve prolapse and treatment Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Mitral valve prolapse and treatment - Term Paper Example This paper shall discuss mitral valve prolapse, its causes, incidence, and risk factors, as well as interventions and treatment measures. This paper is being carried out in order to establish a clear and comprehensive understanding of the condition, its impact on the health, as well as related nursing interventions. The mitral valve is the valve which ensures that blood on the left side of the heart flows in one direction (University of Maryland Medical Center, 2011). In effect, it prevents backflow of blood during heart contraction. Mitral valve prolapse manifests when the mitral valve fails to close properly, thereby causing the back flow of blood during contraction. Mitral valve prolapse can be caused by a variety of things, mostly by physical changes in the valve (WebMD, 2011). Physical changes, including the thickening of the valve can cause the prolapse. The causes of these physical changes are not entirely known. It may also be genetically inherited by family members. Health issues which affect the mitral valve, connective tissue and heart muscles can also cause mitral valve prolapse, however, these are very rare. Related conditions, including osteogenesis imperfecta and hyperthyroidism are also considerations in this condition (WebMD, 2011). For the most part, this condition is harmless and sometimes patients are unaware that they have this heart condition. In fact, about 10% of the population is known to have minor mitral valve prolapse, however, most of the time it does not affect their lives. In some instances, this prolapse can cause blood back flow. This is known as mitral regurgitation, and may sometimes require surgery and medical treatment (University of Maryland Medical Center, 2011). Mitral valves which have structural issues have an increased risk for bacterial infection. It is a condition which often impacts on thin women with minor chest deformities, scoliosis, or related disorders (University of Maryland